Posted in Only Murders In My Mind, Podcast

Episode 22: Murder Mystery Sidekicks: Bridging the Gap Between Detective and Audience

Welcome to “Only Murders in My Mind,” a captivating podcast that delves into the fascinating world of crime and mystery. Hosted by crime writer Carol Bissett, along with her co-presenters Liz Hedgecock and Mike Jackson, this show offers a unique blend of storytelling, insights, and lively discussions. As the podcast celebrates a significant milestone, reaching its 21st episode, it’s time to reflect on its journey and explore the dynamics that make it a favourite among listeners.

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Posted in Only Murders In My Mind, Podcast

Episode 21 – Exploring the Dark Allure of Scandinavian Crime Fiction: A Journey into Nordic Noir

Welcome to another episode of “Only Murders in My Mind,” a Random Thought Production. I’m Carol Bissett, a crime writer, joined by my co-presenters Liz Hedgecock and Mike Jackson. Today, we delve into the enigmatic world of Scandinavian crime fiction, often termed “Scandi Noir” or “Nordic Noir.” This genre has captivated audiences worldwide with its dark, moody narratives and complex, flawed characters.

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Posted in Only Murders In My Mind, Podcast

Episode 20: Balancing Act: Humour and Horror in Murder Mysteries

Welcome to the latest edition of “Only Murders in My Mind,” a blog dedicated to diving into the intriguing world of crime fiction. This week, we delve into a fascinating discussion from our recent podcast episode, where we explored the unique intersection of humour and crime. This blend of light and dark elements is essential in creating a compelling narrative that both entertains and engages readers. Join us as we uncover why humour plays a crucial role in crime stories, drawing from insights shared by crime writer Carol Bissett and her co-presenters, Liz Hedgecock and Mike Jackson.

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Posted in Monday Monologue

Monday Monologue – The Deed Is Done

Another short story for our Monday Monologue spot. This time it is about a man belittled once too often.

The Deed Is Done

The deed is done. My hands are still shaking, but the I feel such relief. As if a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. No more nagging, no more arguments, no more walking on eggshells in my own home. 

She always had to have the last word, didn’t she? Always had to undermine me, make me feel small. Well, she’ll never do that again. I showed her who’s really in charge around here. 

I can still see the look of shock and terror on her face as the life drained from her eyes. That pathetic, pleading expression, begging for mercy. As if she deserved any after the hell she put me through. After all the times she belittled me, made me feel less than a man in my own home.

The way she crumpled to the floor, gasping for breath, clutching at her throat. It was almost…satisfying. To see the light leave her eyes, to know that I had silenced her forever. No more cutting remarks, no more putting me down. Just silence. Blissful, beautiful silence.

I stand here now, surveying the scene, and I feel…oddly calm. The adrenaline has worn off, and I’m left with a sense of clarity I haven’t felt in years. No more walking on eggshells. No more tiptoeing around, afraid of setting her off. I’m free. I’m finally free.

Of course, there’s the matter of the body. I’ll have to dispose of it, make it look like she just…disappeared. Maybe a hit and run, or a mugging gone wrong. Something that won’t lead back to me. I’ve thought this through, you see. I’m not some amateur. 

She always did have a flair for the dramatic, so maybe I’ll stage it to look like she ran off with some younger man. That would be a fitting end for the old shrew, wouldn’t it? The humiliation would be the cherry on top of my newfound freedom.

As I look around the room, I can’t help but feel a sense of…pride. I’ve taken back control of my life. I’m the master of my own destiny now. No more living in fear, no more walking on eggshells. Just me, and the sweet, sweet silence.

Yes, the deed is done. And I have no regrets. She had it coming, and I’m the one who delivered justice. I’m the one who reclaimed my life. And that, my friends, is a victory worth savouring.

Posted in Only Murders In My Mind, Podcast

Episode 19 – Unmasking Deception: The Art of Lying in Murder Mysteries

Welcome to another riveting episode of “Only Murders in My Mind,” a production where we delve into the world of crime writing with our hosts Carol Bissett, Liz Hedgecock, and Mike Jackson. This week’s episode is a captivating exploration of the intricate art of lying and its implications in both reality and fiction.

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Posted in Short Stories

Who Murdered The Three Bears?

In the forest, rumour spread like wildfire: the Three Bears, found dead. Their cottage, once a symbol of family harmony, now a chilling crime scene. Villagers whispered of a sweet-faced culprit, a girl with long, golden hair.

Detective Brown, a grizzled bear with a nose for truth, sniffed around. Inside, he found three bowls of porridge, each uneaten, and an overturned chair. In the bedroom, amidst shattered beds, lay the bears, victims of a precise, brutal attack.

Brown’s eyes narrowed; this was no mere break-in gone wrong. It was a calculated, cold-hearted act, shrouded in innocence and deceit. But why?

A Drabble – a short story of exactly 100-words.

Posted in Monday Monologue

Monday Monologues – Unveiling the Art of Monologues in Crime Writing

Monologues, those profound passages where a character speaks directly to the audience or themselves, have long been a staple in literature and drama. In the realm of crime writing, monologues offer a unique window into the psyche of characters, revealing their deepest fears, motivations, and moral ambiguities. This narrative technique, when wielded deftly, can transform a good crime novel into a masterpiece of psychological insight and suspense.

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Posted in Only Murders In My Mind, Podcast

Episode 18 – Where Do Writers Get Their Ideas From?

Welcome to another episode of Only Murders in My Mind, the podcast that dives into the intriguing world of crime writing. I’m Carol Bissett, joined by my fellow author Liz Hedgecock. Unfortunately, our co-host Mike Jackson is not with us today as he’s busy working on his next book, possibly eavesdropping in a coffee shop for inspiration. Today’s topic, suggested by our listener Kevin Canon, is “Where do we get our ideas from?”

Continue reading “Episode 18 – Where Do Writers Get Their Ideas From?”
Posted in Only Murders In My Mind, Podcast

Episode 16 – Exploring the World of Independent Bookshops with Bob Stone

Welcome to another episode of “Only Murders in My Mind,” where crime writers Carol Bissett and Liz Hedgecock delve into the fascinating world of crime fiction, joined this week by special guest Bob Stone. Bob, an independent bookshop owner and writer, brings a unique perspective on the challenges and joys of running a bookshop in today’s digital age.

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Posted in Only Murders In My Mind, Podcast

Episode 15 – Breaking the Rules: A Fresh Look at Classic Detective Commandments

In the latest instalment of the podcast “Only Murders In My Mind,” hosts Carol Bissett, Liz Hedgecock, and (in absentia due to illness) Mike Jackson, unravel not just fictional mysteries, but the very fabric of mystery writing itself. This episode, a delightful blend of casual chat and deep dive into detective fiction’s golden age, discusses Ronald Knox’s “Ten Commandments of Detection.” The hosts’ analysis provides not only entertainment but an insightful look into the evolution of mystery writing.

Continue reading “Episode 15 – Breaking the Rules: A Fresh Look at Classic Detective Commandments”