Posted in Only Murders In My Mind, Podcast

Episode 22: Murder Mystery Sidekicks: Bridging the Gap Between Detective and Audience

Welcome to “Only Murders in My Mind,” a captivating podcast that delves into the fascinating world of crime and mystery. Hosted by crime writer Carol Bissett, along with her co-presenters Liz Hedgecock and Mike Jackson, this show offers a unique blend of storytelling, insights, and lively discussions. As the podcast celebrates a significant milestone, reaching its 21st episode, it’s time to reflect on its journey and explore the dynamics that make it a favourite among listeners.

Continue reading “Episode 22: Murder Mystery Sidekicks: Bridging the Gap Between Detective and Audience”
Posted in Weekly Writing Prompt

Weekly Writing Prompt

Welcome to our weekly writing prompt.

Every Friday I will be posting a picture and inviting you to write a short story inspired by that picture. The suggested word length for the story is less than 250-words – but there is no minimum. So, if you fancy writing a 6-word story, then go for it!

Don’t feel your story has to have a murder mystery theme to it – simply write whatever the picture conjures up in your mind.

It would be great if you could share your stories. You can do this by putting your story in the comments section below. Let’s go.

Writing Prompt

Here is the picture prompt for this week.

Have fun and don’t forget to share your story in the comments below. Every now and again we will read some of them out in our podcast.

Posted in Short Stories

A Home For The Aged

They say this place is home, a haven for the aged. But to me, it’s a prison painted in bright colours, where every day is monotonous, and every meal is a bland reminder of a time long gone. They plucked me from my garden, my sanctuary, where time was marked by seasons, not by pills and appointments. Here, the walls whisper pity in the silence, and faces blur into a sea of forgotten stories.

I never thought I’d end my days in a place like this, a repository for the once-loved. They visit, yes, but their eyes betray the truth—they wish to be anywhere but here. They no longer see the man I was but instead, the burden I’ve become.

Yet, there’s an oddity in my tale, a peculiar twist. At night, when the world sleeps and this place holds its breath, the walls… they speak. Not in the pitiful whispers of the day, but in clear, vibrant tones of life and memories. They recount tales not of my life but of others long forgotten, tales that no living soul could remember.

At first, I thought it madness, a trick of an old mind. But then, the truths they spoke, the secrets of the past they revealed, were too precise, too real to be the fancy of a senile mind.

What sorcery this is, I cannot say. But, I’m convinced, these walls hold souls within them, and at night, I listen to the voices of the past, sharing in their laughter, their sorrow, their lives. In my isolation, I’ve found a bizarre companionship. It’s as if this place, this care home I so despise, is alive with the echoes of those who came before me.

And so, I wait for the night, for the moment when I’m no longer alone. But I cannot shake the chilling thought—what happens when my voice joins theirs? Will a new occupant of this room, years from now, hear my tales, my regrets, whispered in the dark? It’s an eerie comfort, and perhaps, in this unexpected twist, I’ve found my place within these walls.

Posted in Short Stories, Tiny Tales

Tiny Tales – ‘The Forest Held It’s Breath’

A sinister offering from our new YouTube Channel called ‘Tiny Tales’.

In this short stories we meet two otherworldly creatures deep in a dark, forbidding forest. What they are planning is unknown but is unlikely to be anything but sinister and menacing.

We would love to know what you think of these stories. Drop us a comment below or leave a comment and subscribe on YouTube.

Enjoy listening.

Posted in Short Stories, Tiny Tales

Tiny Tales – The Park

Here is the second short video telling a very short story. This one is from Kevin who posted it as a story in one of our ‘Weekly Writing Prompt’ picture prompts. Many thanks Kevin.

A great monologue with a very matter-of-fact and chilling conclusion!

If you would like to have a short story (500-words or less) included in this new venture of ours, pop it into the comments below and we will have a read. Alternatively you might like to write a story using one of the picture prompts from our ‘Weekly Writing Prompts’.

Posted in Only Murders In My Mind, Podcast

Episode 21 – Exploring the Dark Allure of Scandinavian Crime Fiction: A Journey into Nordic Noir

Welcome to another episode of “Only Murders in My Mind,” a Random Thought Production. I’m Carol Bissett, a crime writer, joined by my co-presenters Liz Hedgecock and Mike Jackson. Today, we delve into the enigmatic world of Scandinavian crime fiction, often termed “Scandi Noir” or “Nordic Noir.” This genre has captivated audiences worldwide with its dark, moody narratives and complex, flawed characters.

Continue reading “Episode 21 – Exploring the Dark Allure of Scandinavian Crime Fiction: A Journey into Nordic Noir”
Posted in Weekly Writing Prompt

Weekly Writing Prompt

Welcome to our weekly writing prompt.

Every Friday I will be posting a picture and inviting you to write a short story inspired by that picture. The suggested word length for the story is less than 250-words – but there is no minimum. So, if you fancy writing a 6-word story, then go for it!

Don’t feel your story has to have a murder mystery theme to it – simply write whatever the picture conjures up in your mind.

It would be great if you could share your stories. You can do this by putting your story in the comments section below. Let’s go.

Writing Prompt

Here is the picture prompt for this week.

Have fun and don’t forget to share your story in the comments below. Every now and again we will read some of them out in our podcast.

Posted in Short Stories

Tiny Tales

I’ve created a new YouTube channel to experiment with the art of storytelling. This is its first, and at the moment only, story – but there will be more to follow, I promise!

If you’ve got a short story (preferably 500 words or less) that you would like me to create a video and add to the channel then drop it into the comments below for me to see.

Posted in Drabbles, Short Stories

Another Drabble

Here is another drabble from my latest book, ‘100-Word Stories’.

Loo Roll

She’d done it again! Turned the loo roll round the wrong way. Bloody woman’s always doing it. 

“For goodness sake Donald,” she whined, “It’s a toilet roll. Get a grip of yourself.”

I lost it. Grabbed the nearest thing to me, the loo brush, and swung it at her head. I missed – my hand-eye coordination’s never been good – but it made her stumble and she fell, hitting her head on the corner of the bath. 

I bent down but couldn’t feel a pulse. Nevertheless I gave it half an hour before I phoned the ambulance – just to make sure.

Posted in Only Murders In My Mind, Podcast

Episode 20: Balancing Act: Humour and Horror in Murder Mysteries

Welcome to the latest edition of “Only Murders in My Mind,” a blog dedicated to diving into the intriguing world of crime fiction. This week, we delve into a fascinating discussion from our recent podcast episode, where we explored the unique intersection of humour and crime. This blend of light and dark elements is essential in creating a compelling narrative that both entertains and engages readers. Join us as we uncover why humour plays a crucial role in crime stories, drawing from insights shared by crime writer Carol Bissett and her co-presenters, Liz Hedgecock and Mike Jackson.

Continue reading “Episode 20: Balancing Act: Humour and Horror in Murder Mysteries”