Posted in Drabbles, Short Stories

Another Drabble

Here is another drabble from my latest book, ‘100-Word Stories’.

Loo Roll

She’d done it again! Turned the loo roll round the wrong way. Bloody woman’s always doing it. 

“For goodness sake Donald,” she whined, “It’s a toilet roll. Get a grip of yourself.”

I lost it. Grabbed the nearest thing to me, the loo brush, and swung it at her head. I missed – my hand-eye coordination’s never been good – but it made her stumble and she fell, hitting her head on the corner of the bath. 

I bent down but couldn’t feel a pulse. Nevertheless I gave it half an hour before I phoned the ambulance – just to make sure.

Posted in Short Stories

Water Dripping

Here is a drabble from my latest book, ‘100-Word Stories’.

Midnight. The sound of water dripping. In the mirror, a reflection that isn’t mine smiles back. I blink, the reflection doesn’t. 

My heart races as the figure in the mirror tilts its head, its grin widening. It whispers my name, a sound that chills my bones. I step back, tripping over my own feet, my gaze locked on the glass. 

The figure raises a hand, pressing it against the mirror. Cracks appear across the surface, reaching towards me. I scream, but no sound comes out. 

The mirror shatters, darkness swallows me. Silence. Then, nothing but the sound of water dripping. 

Posted in Short Stories

A Drabble To Scare You!

A Drabble, a 100-word story. More horror than murder mystery, but I hope you’ll enjoy it anyway!

The Forgotten Doll

Lucy found the doll in the attic, its porcelain face cracked and one eye missing. She cradled it in her arms, feeling a strange connection.

That night, she placed it on her bedside table. At midnight, she woke to the sound of tiny footsteps. The doll was gone. Heart racing, she searched the room. The doll’s eye gleamed from under the bed. “Play with me,” it whispered.

Lucy screamed as the doll’s hand reached out, gripping her ankle with unnatural strength. It pulled her under the bed, her final scream echoing in the silence as she vanished into the void. 

Posted in Short Stories

Who Murdered The Three Bears?

In the forest, rumour spread like wildfire: the Three Bears, found dead. Their cottage, once a symbol of family harmony, now a chilling crime scene. Villagers whispered of a sweet-faced culprit, a girl with long, golden hair.

Detective Brown, a grizzled bear with a nose for truth, sniffed around. Inside, he found three bowls of porridge, each uneaten, and an overturned chair. In the bedroom, amidst shattered beds, lay the bears, victims of a precise, brutal attack.

Brown’s eyes narrowed; this was no mere break-in gone wrong. It was a calculated, cold-hearted act, shrouded in innocence and deceit. But why?

A Drabble – a short story of exactly 100-words.

Posted in Short Stories

The Art of Drabbles: Crafting Stories in 100 Words

I love very short stories, especially drabbles. In the world of creative writing, brevity is often seen as a challenge. Enter the drabble: a form of storytelling that requires writers to convey a complete narrative in precisely 100 words. Drabbles have become a popular exercise among writers for honing their skills in precision and clarity.

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