About Us

My name is Carol Bissett. I was Born on the other side of the world and have always been a writer. Now living back in Cheshire after 23 years in Cumbria I am concentrating on my writing for the first time.

I now live in Warrington with my husband of 46 years and we still have two sons at home.

I love TV, reading and just relaxing.

You can find me in various places – Twitter and Facebook. Or visit my Amazon author page.

My name’s Liz Hedgecock and I write mystery books. I published my first book in 2016, and now I have several mystery series on the go. I write both Victorian and contemporary mystery series, and they range in tone from fun, light cozy mysteries to darker tales. They usually have a dash of humour, and sometimes a hint of romance.

When I’m not writing, I work as a freelance editor, and I also work part time in primary schools with year 6 students.

You can find me in various places – Twitter and Facebook. Or visit my Amazon author page. Plus, you can visit my blog.

My name is Mike Jackson and I am a storyteller.

I am a lover of flash fiction, microfiction and short stories. Sometimes a drabble (a 100-word story) or a piece of hint fiction (25 words or less). Other times a piece of haiku or cinquain poetry or maybe a haibun.

Then there will be times when I stretch to longer pieces, but rarely more than 2,000 words. One day I might write a novel – but I doubt it!

You can find me in various places – Twitter and Facebook. Or visit my Amazon author page. Plus, you can find some of my short stories on my blog.

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