Posted in Only Murders In My Mind, Podcast

Episode 21 – Exploring the Dark Allure of Scandinavian Crime Fiction: A Journey into Nordic Noir

Welcome to another episode of “Only Murders in My Mind,” a Random Thought Production. I’m Carol Bissett, a crime writer, joined by my co-presenters Liz Hedgecock and Mike Jackson. Today, we delve into the enigmatic world of Scandinavian crime fiction, often termed “Scandi Noir” or “Nordic Noir.” This genre has captivated audiences worldwide with its dark, moody narratives and complex, flawed characters.

The Intrigue of Scandi Crime

Scandinavian crime fiction has a unique allure. Mike and I are fans of the genre, and it’s fascinating to explore what makes these stories so compelling. Mike aptly describes them as “dark, moody, and very complex.” The intricate storylines and the deeply flawed protagonists draw readers in, making them want to turn the page or watch the next episode.

One of the defining features of Scandi crime is its complexity. The main characters often have troubled pasts, which adds depth to their personalities and makes their journeys more engaging. These backstories rarely get resolved, remaining an undercurrent that shapes their actions and decisions. This perpetual tension keeps readers and viewers hooked.

Morally Ambiguous Characters

A hallmark of Scandi crime is the morally ambiguous nature of its characters. While the protagonists are usually on the side of good, they often operate in the grey areas of morality. They might bend the rules or employ tactics that skirt the boundaries of legality to achieve justice. This moral complexity adds an extra layer of intrigue to the stories.

Liz, who is less familiar with the genre, asked whether the detectives in these stories ever cross the line into evil. Mike clarified, “They don’t necessarily move from good to evil, but they flit so much on the borderline that they’ve almost got one step on the baddy side.” This ambiguity makes the characters more relatable and their struggles more realistic.

The Dark Atmosphere

The atmosphere in Scandi crime fiction is another significant draw. These stories often unfold in bleak, grey settings, with snow-covered landscapes and dimly lit cities. This dark backdrop enhances the mood of the narratives, making them feel more intense and immersive. The settings are so vividly depicted that they can influence the audience’s perception of the real locations. As Mike mentioned, “You think of these places… somewhere I’d like to go and visit. Well, they manage to take the main cities and take you down the most run-down parts.”

Realism and Social Commentary

Scandi crime fiction doesn’t shy away from social and political issues. It often highlights societal inequalities, political corruption, and other darker aspects of life. This realism adds depth to the stories and makes them more than just tales of crime and detection. The genre’s ability to weave social commentary into its narratives is one of its strengths.

Iconic Series and Characters

Several iconic series and characters have defined the genre. For example, “The Bridge” is a standout with its gripping premise—a body found cut in half, with each half in a different country, forcing a cross-border investigation. The lead detective, Saga Norén, is a brilliant yet socially awkward character who adds a unique dimension to the story.

Another notable example is Jo Nesbø’s Harry Hole series. Harry is a detective with a troubled personal life, which often intersects with his professional duties. These characters’ complexities make them fascinating to follow, even as they navigate the grittiest aspects of crime.

Influence on Writers

As writers, we often draw inspiration from what we read and watch. I find that the dark, graphic nature of Scandi crime influences my writing, infusing it with a similar level of intensity and detail. Liz, on the other hand, prefers a lighter tone in her stories but acknowledges the impact of the genre on her narrative style.

Why Do We Love Scandi Crime?

The appeal of Scandinavian crime fiction lies in its ability to blend compelling, flawed characters with intricate plots and dark, atmospheric settings. These stories challenge our perceptions of right and wrong, drawing us into their morally complex worlds. They also provide a form of escapism, allowing us to explore the darker sides of life from a safe distance.


Whether you’re a seasoned fan or new to the genre, Scandinavian crime fiction offers a rich tapestry of narratives that are both thrilling and thought-provoking. As we continue to explore different aspects of crime fiction in our podcast, we invite you to share your thoughts and recommendations. Perhaps, like Liz, you might find yourself drawn into the dark, captivating world of Scandi Noir.

Thank you for joining us on this exploration of Scandinavian crime fiction. Be sure to check our blog for writing prompts and share your stories. Who knows, your tale might be featured in a future episode. Until next time, keep your minds sharp and your curiosity piqued.


Hello, my name is Mike Jackson. If you have any comments about the post you have just read I'd love to read them.

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