Posted in Short Stories

Tiny Tales

I’ve created a new YouTube channel to experiment with the art of storytelling. This is its first, and at the moment only, story – but there will be more to follow, I promise!

If you’ve got a short story (preferably 500 words or less) that you would like me to create a video and add to the channel then drop it into the comments below for me to see.


Hello, my name is Mike Jackson. If you have any comments about the post you have just read I'd love to read them.

2 thoughts on “Tiny Tales

  1. It was just past dusk and I was lounging on the bench at the edge of the church yard watching the people scurrying by as they headed home from work. It gets dark so early at this time of year but the temperature has remained mild.

    I glanced up when I heard two female voices close by.

    “We’re going to be late Mary” said the taller of the two. “I knew we should’ve got the earlier bus”

    “We could always take the short cut through the graveyard” said Mary. “No chance, I’m not going through there in the dark, it gives me the heeby jeebies” stated her friend very firmly.

    “Technically it’s a Church Yard” I said “and it’s perfectly safe. The Ghoulies and Ghosties don’t come out until midnight”

    “What’s the difference?” asked Mary. “A church, graveyards don’t have one” I replied. “I’m heading that way myself, if you want company”

    “C’mon Jenny, it’ll save us a half hour and we won’t miss the start of the movie”

    “I dunno, I’ve heard all kinds of stories about the grave, sorry church yard, over the years.“

    I tapped out the remains of my pipe on the arm of the bench and stood up ready to go. “I’m off now it you want a chaperone” I called.

    “ok mister, we’re coming” said Jenny “I really don’t want to miss the film, it’s Brad Pitt’s new one”

    “Watch your steps girls, there are no lights at the moment, electricity board have been digging up the road.”

    We began to follow the narrow gravel path that wends its way between the grave markers and skirts the eleventh century Norman church when out of the dark hurtled a dark shape about head height emitting a shrill screech.

    One of the girls screamed and the other jumped off the path and pitched head first over a gravestone.

    “It’s just a Barn Owl” I chuckled, “You’re safe unless you’re a field mouse”

    We continued on our way and within a few minutes reached the other side of the church yard.

    “This is where we part company girls” I said “Enjoy your film”

    “Thank you” said Mary “we would never had have the courage to take the short cut if you weren’t here”

    “That’s ok” I replied “I used to be scared of walking through in the dark, back when I was still alive”

    The girls ran off into the night doing their own very passable impressions of the Barn Owl.   


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