Posted in Short Stories

Water Dripping

Here is a drabble from my latest book, ‘100-Word Stories’.

Midnight. The sound of water dripping. In the mirror, a reflection that isn’t mine smiles back. I blink, the reflection doesn’t. 

My heart races as the figure in the mirror tilts its head, its grin widening. It whispers my name, a sound that chills my bones. I step back, tripping over my own feet, my gaze locked on the glass. 

The figure raises a hand, pressing it against the mirror. Cracks appear across the surface, reaching towards me. I scream, but no sound comes out. 

The mirror shatters, darkness swallows me. Silence. Then, nothing but the sound of water dripping. 


Hello, my name is Mike Jackson. If you have any comments about the post you have just read I'd love to read them.

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