Posted in Short Stories

The Art of Drabbles: Crafting Stories in 100 Words

I love very short stories, especially drabbles. In the world of creative writing, brevity is often seen as a challenge. Enter the drabble: a form of storytelling that requires writers to convey a complete narrative in precisely 100 words. Drabbles have become a popular exercise among writers for honing their skills in precision and clarity.

A drabble is a short story that is exactly 100 words long, not including the title. This strict word limit forces writers to strip their narratives down to the essentials, focusing on the most crucial elements of plot, character, and setting. The result is a distilled piece of fiction that packs a punch in a small package.

Why Write Drabbles?

  1. Enhancing Writing Skills: Crafting a drabble helps writers develop their ability to write concisely and purposefully. Every word must count, and there is no room for unnecessary detail or filler.
  2. Creative Exercise: Drabbles serve as a creative exercise that can spark new ideas and inspire longer works. They are perfect for experimenting with different genres, styles, and perspectives without committing to a lengthy project.
  3. Quick Satisfaction: For writers and readers alike, drabbles offer a quick dose of storytelling. They can be written and read in a matter of minutes, making them ideal for busy schedules.

Tips for Writing a Drabble

  • Focus on a Single Moment: Given the limited word count, it’s best to concentrate on a single scene or moment. This approach ensures that your story remains focused and impactful.
  • Strong Opening and Closing: With only 100 words, your opening line must grab attention immediately, and your closing line should leave a lasting impression.
  • Use Vivid Imagery: Choose your words carefully to paint a vivid picture with minimal description. Strong imagery can convey more than lengthy explanations.
  • Edit Ruthlessly: Writing a drabble often involves multiple rounds of editing. Trim any excess words and ensure that each sentence drives the story forward.

Examples of Drabbles

The Corner Shop

Another day, another shift. The fluorescent lights flicker overhead as I stand behind this counter, surrounded by shelves of out of date food and tasteless snacks. People come and go, faces blurring together into a dull, shuffling mass. They barely notice me, just swipe their cards and shuffle away. Sometimes, I imagine locking the doors, trapping them all inside. I’d watch them panic, clawing at the glass to escape, while I stand here, smiling, ringing up their desperation like it’s just another pack of mouldy biscuits. But no, I’ll just keep scanning barcodes and counting the minutes till closing time.

The Gardener’s Secret

People often remark on the beauty of my garden, the vibrant colours, the exotic scents. They ask for my secret, and I tell them it’s all in the soil. But if only they knew the truth. You see, my garden thrives not on water and sunlight, but on the darker nourishments of life. Each plant here is a monument to a person I once knew, their essence feeding the roots. And tonight, as I dig a new bed under the moonlight, I wonder… would your essence be more suited to the roses, or perhaps the lilies would appreciate your vitality?

Drabbles are a fascinating and rewarding form of writing. They challenge authors to be concise, creative, and impactful, all within the confines of 100 words. Whether you’re a seasoned writer looking to sharpen your skills or a beginner exploring new formats, drabbles offer a unique and enjoyable way to tell compelling stories.


Hello, my name is Mike Jackson. If you have any comments about the post you have just read I'd love to read them.

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