Posted in Weekly Writing Prompt

Weekly Writing Prompt

Welcome to our weekly writing prompt.

Every Friday I will be posting a picture and inviting you to write a short story inspired by that picture. As an added challenge I will suggest a different word length for your story each week.

Don’t feel your story has to have a murder mystery theme to it – simply write whatever the picture conjures up in your mind.

It would be great if you could share your stories. You can do this by putting your story in the comments section below. Let’s go.

Writing Prompt

Here is the picture prompt for this week. The word length for this week is a story of exactly 150 -words.

Have fun and don’t forget to share your story in the comments below. Every now and again we will read some of them out in our podcast.


Hello, my name is Mike Jackson. If you have any comments about the post you have just read I'd love to read them.

3 thoughts on “Weekly Writing Prompt

  1. In a forgotten corner of the park, the worn-out sofa had become part of the landscape. The cushioning had spilled out, like the insides of a wounded animal left to the mercy of scavengers.

    The local children whispered tales of the “Watchful Sofa”. They said if you sat on it when the clock struck midnight, you would hear the lost whispers of those who came before.

    But young Timmy was never one for superstitions. One night, braving the chilling wind, he set off for the park. Once there, he sat defiantly on the decrepit sofa. A silence fell, and then a murmur, growing to a cacophony of unseen voices. Timmy wanted to run, but found himself sinking into the fabric, as if the sofa, hungry for companionship, wanted to keep him.

    They found the sofa empty the next morning, but Timmy was never seen again, just another whisper among many.


  2. 150 Words

    Miles from the nearest road, deep inside the forest, we stumbled on an abandoned sofa.

    “The fly-tippers are making an effort round her” chuckled my husband. “Seems like a good spot to stop” he said as he removed our picnic from his rucksack.

    I looked for a flat area to lay out the blanket and noticed several piles of small bones, likely from a rat or a squirrel or possibly a fox.

    It’d been a long hike and I needed to pee so I headed off into the trees to take care of it.

    When I returned I found the picnic all laid out but of my husband there was no sign. I called his name but received no reply.

    I waited twenty minutes, but he didn’t return. It was only then that I spotted a new pile of bones in front of the sofa, complete with a human skull


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